The Penny Lane Team


Crystal joined Penny Lane in 2007, and is the Managing Broker in the office.   She became a licensed Property Manager in 2008, and has since become a licensed Strata Manager as well, and is now looking after several strata developments, along with her residential portfolio.  Crystal is also very involved with a number of the administrative functions in the office including payables and financial statements, and also assists with new business proposals.



Sherry joined Penny Lane in 2012. This was her first introduction to Property Management and she tells us that she is happy to have joined the team and is enjoying the challenge. Sherry loves meeting new people and for her, a smile can make her day, so she likes to spread hers around as well! Sherry has travelled quite a bit, but feels fortunate to have been born here on Vancouver Island, which she feels is one of the most beautiful places on the earth, making it a wonderful place to enjoy her photography. In her spare time you will find her out and about with her camera around her neck no matter what the weather.   Sherry always looks forward to meeting all our clients and customers!



Lori currently works part-time as our Unlicensed Administrative Assistant, providing support to both the Property Managers and  Strata Managers, and can do more work in 4 hours than some can accomplish in a day!  We all appreciate her assistance, and her varied skills and abilities, particularly all things computer related, which the rest of us are not as proficient at.  We were very fortunate that day in 2019 that she walked in to our office, and has never left! 



Nikki joined our team at the beginning of 2022.  After a 25 year career in another field, she was ready for a new challenge, and has now become a licensed Property Manager.  Nikki is now looking after a large residential portfolio by day, and on her off hours is a busy wife and mother of two boys.  We're very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Nikki!